Sunday, June 3, 2012

Prom Trends 2012: A Retrospective

What girl doesn't love stalking through people's prom pictures, eh?
This prom, at my school's prom especially but also at others, I noticed some very obvious trends.
The first was white dresses.

 Ironically, black was also a popular color. This was less surprising than the white trend, however.

Another new trend was high-low hems, which seem to have become more and more popular in casual wear as well (I've seen many a shirt, dress, and skirt with this design walking down the school hallway)

Mega sparkly dresses, whether ultra-sequined or gem-encrusted, were a trend still going strong from past years. The motto seems to be the more embellished, the better.
I also noticed quite a few very feathery dresses. I wouldn't call that a trend though. There weren't all that many of them, but the ones that were present were enormously noticeable.

Cut outs of all kinds were popular. Back, sides, so on and so forth. Some were unique and tasteful; others not so much. I was pretty amazed by how risque some of this year's dresses were.

Peachy oranges, coralsapricots, and varying shades of bright blue were the most popular colorful colors.

I thought before concluding this post, I'd include a guy trend I noticed. An enormous percentage of the boys at prom this year were sporting silver tuxes.

Hope you enjoyed this post. Did you notice any trends at prom this year?

Until later,

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