Thursday, March 24, 2011

Daily Dress: Swedish Birds

This dress is just so colorful and funky and glorious. It honestly reminds me of Swedish fish... but with birds. The cut of the neckline is wonderful.
Not to mention the open back. I love that, it's absolutely gorgeous and just the right amount of sexy, but I don't own any dresses that are open backed because I don't think I could wear a dress without a bra :/
Modcloth, $98

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Dress: The Little Mermaid

Oh, this dress is so lovely. I feel like it would look especially good with curled, light blonde or red hair.
Modcloth, $110

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Daily Dress: Golden

Golden glimmery shimmery goodness.

Opening Ad-Dress (Here Come the Puns)

Hello. My name is Annika, and I'm a shameless dress junkie. It became official when I discovered Modcloth last fall, but I've always loved wearing dresses. Recently, I've been particularly interested in vintage/vintage inspired dresses. This is a place for me to drool over the countless beautiful dresses and gowns that I most likely cannot afford and will never own and generally share my love for dresses so that it doesn't take over my other blog, which you can read here: ><